Enjoy this collection of fantastic videos. Enjoy the beautiful work that these artists brought to you at their own expense and the sweat of their brow.
EVERY household must have Juliana Jendo's video "Bibl'e d Ator" (flowers of Assyria (meaning the children of Assyria)). Especially if you have young children or young family members. The Ashoor Drama group has the funniest videos. These works of art will always be in your memories. Children who have these tapes watch them over and over, learning all the words and solidifying their language. If you know someone who had any of these tapes years ago, ask them about them and you shall see that they've never forgot the tunes and words.You can purchase these some of these video collections at wawallap or assyrianmarket.
Videos with Subtitles |
Sing along with these incredible videos made by these incredible artists. I embedded the lyrics within the videos but print out the lyrics for more info and direct translations. Juliana Jendo has made these amazingly beautiful videos for not only kids but also for adults to enjoy. Children are the key to maintaining our language. "Bibleh d Ator" is the name of Juliana's collection (Flowers of Assyria) meaning the children of our nation. |
Juliana Jendo - Alap Beet (ABC) |
Juliana Jendo - Tdawilyaateh d Soorootaa (Youthful Play) |
Juliana Jendo - Bet Yaldaa (Birthday) |
Ashur Drama Group - Moor Laa Qaa Drugs |
Evin Agassi - Shikhdaa (Message) |
Ashur Bet Sargis - Jiptaa d Aanweh (Grape Vine) |
Mesopotamian Night - Ramina |
Azadoota - Leeshana (Jesus Spoke my Language)
Aglanteen Warda - Aghalareh (Gentlemen)
Ashur Bet Sargis - Dashta d Nineveh |
Ashur Drama Group - Come to Me Click the lyrics get details of the festivals. |
Read YouTube description. To purchase this DVD and music, the most beautiful Assyrian work of art,
Videos |
Neesaan - April (Assyrian New Year) If you know this singer, please let me know. Such a beautiful song & video. I need a clear version and album for translation. Thank you. |
Azadoota - Jessus Spoke my Language
Ashur Betsargis - Haalaa Leet |
The Purpose of my Heart (Clap Clap) |
My Bond |
Cultivators (Live in Syria) |
I don't want a wife |
La bamba parody |
these countries are not our mother (country) |
from Australia |
You will need VLC player for the smaller files.